Day 8: Yoga for Manifestation (30 min)

This is a slow, strong and steady practice to help you create space and clarity for what you wish to invite into your life and manifest. I'll share a list of affirmations to help you set your intentions, then we'll move through a sequence to help open your hips, where tension can get stuck, and then we'll create spaciousness across your heart and shoulders. We'll end practice with a nourishing meditation in savasana to picture your perfect day and crystalize the feelings you wish to bring with you.

Affirmations for Manifestation:

  • I am aligned with the energy of abundance, and it flows freely and naturally to me.

  • Love surrounds me and I give and receive it unconditionally.

  • I am worthy of deep, authentic, and meaningful connections with others.

  • I radiate love and love comes back to me in abundance.

  • My body is a vessel of vibrant health and I treat it with love and care.

  • I am ready to embrace transformation and amplify my true potential

  • I release what no longer serves me, making space for the abundant blessings that flow into my life during this sacred time.

  • My heart is open, and I radiate love and compassion to myself and others. I am worthy of all the good that flows into my life

Recommended props include a bolster and 2 blocks. Props are optional and I will cue the postures without them as well.


Day 7: Slow Flow & Yin Class for Burnout (20 min)


Day 9: Vinyasa-Less Yoga Break (10 min)