3 Breath Practices for September + New Intentions

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Capacity, Expansion and Impermanence

New month, new intentions, new beginnings.


Lately, it feels like my energy is running through a sieve, lowering my threshold and my capacity for outpouring energy. When life is overwhelming and I’m pulled in different directions, I slow down, lean into stability and search for stability. Deeper holds, deeper breaths.

It’s in these spaces of retention, antara kumbhaka and bahya kumbhaka, at the top and bottom of the breath, where I seek clarity and peace.

We can’t slow down time, but we can slow down our breath and increase our appreciation for each moment.


Capacity links to expansion. Expansion of breath, expansion of capacity.

Capacity never remains stagnant. Every time you brush up against your edge, capacity expands. Hold on for one more breath. As each breath expands, thoughts, emotions, problems, all flow and fluctuate in a constant state of impermanence.


Things are always changing. Instead of resisting, I’ve been working on trusting change.

We are never stuck in one permanent state or mood. The more comfortable we can be with change, the more we can develop a flexible state of mind, acknowledging things as they arise in each moment.

Breathe and notice your shifting experience.

Breath Practices

  1. Sama Vritti: equal balanced breathing or box breath

  2. Antar Kumbhaka and Bahya Kumbhaka: breath retention

  3. Dirga Pranayama: 3 part breath

Stay tuned for a deeper dive of these three breath practices this month.

The beginning of the month is a great time to set your intentions. Join me in class and set your intentions.


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