5 Yoga Poses for Back Pain | Quadratus Lumborum

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Anatomy Exploration: Quadratus Lumborum, also referred to as the QL

Where is the QL?

The QL is a muscle that is located on either side of your lower back. It connects from your lowest rib to the top of your pelvis and is activated in everyday life. Technically, it’s a part of your deepest abdominal muscle.

What are the functions of the QL?

The QL supports your posture and pelvis and helps stabilize your spine.

What causes a tight QL?

When the QL is shortened, weak or comprised due to habitual bad posture, it can cause stiffness and tightness in your lower back. Improper repetitive movement and weak back muscles can also contribute to an overactive QL which causes the muscle to become tight.

5 Poses that Stretch the QL

  1. Revolved head to knee pose

  2. Gatekeeper pose

  3. Sideways child’s pose

  4. Standing crescent stretch

  5. Triangle pose

See my Instagram post on an assisted version of revolved head to knee pose here.


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