Lion’s Gate Portal 2021

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The Lion’s Gate portal is open from July 28 to August 12, and August 8 is the official activation date. On this date, Earth is in special alignment with the star Sirius.

Why is this Special?

This is a time for new beginnings, renewal and transformation. The energetic shift is caused by the alignment of Earth and Sirius and according to astrologers, there is a surge of energy. Sirius, is the brightest blue star in the sky and is known as the “Spiritual Sun”.

Energetic Healing, Manifestation, Abundance

Symbolism of 8

  • Infinity

  • Manifestation

  • Amplification

  • Abundance

  • Fortune

August 8, 2021 is also Chinese Father’s Day!


  1. What do I wish to let go of?

  2. Where in my life can I foster a deeper sense of awareness?

  3. What practices can I reintroduce or implement to cultivate self-love and healing for myself?

  4. How can I protect my energy?

  5. What do I wish to manifest into my life?

Even if you’re a skeptic, broaden your senses and you might feel heightened awareness and intuition today. Take time today to become clear with your intentions. Mediate, visualize and journal. Plant seeds for yourself, believe and manifest your dreams.


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