Guide to Savasana | Benefits, Alternatives & More

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Savasana is one of my favorite postures because it helps to facilitate a full reset after an active asana practice. However, as a yoga teacher, I know some students who would prefer to skip it and head straight out the door after a practice! Below, we’ll discuss the benefits of savasana and why it’s important as well as a few alternatives to savasana with prop support or different postures so you can absorb the reset properties of the pose. Let’s dive in.

Benefits of Savasana

Savasana means corpse pose in sanskrit. The root word of savasana is sava meaning “corpse.” In corpse pose, we allow anything that no longer serves us to release and die. When we transition onto our sides into a fetal position, it symbolizes a rebirth, a chance to begin anew. As we arrive back to a seat and take our final few breaths before the end of the practice, we transition away from our asana and prepare ourselves to move back into our lives in an intentional way.

  1. Activates your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and calms your central nervous system (fight, flight and freeze)

  2. Decreases stress and makes space in your body and mind for relaxation

  3. Helps lower blood pressure and decrease fatigue

  4. Aids your digestion and boosts your immunity

  5. Balances, restores and resets your entire system — helps you transition from stimulation towards down regulation

  6. Assimilate, integrate and release before a busy day


Savasana decreases stress in the body by activating your parasympathetic nervous system

Supported Savasana

To see these forms of support in video format, watch my reel on Instagram.

Neck roll

—> This is a great modification to try if your neck feels tight or you can’t find the proper angle for your head

Benefits: Supports your cervical spine and head

  1. Fold your blanket into a rectangle

  2. From the folded edge, roll your blanket roll a third of the way

  3. Place the blanket roll underneath your neck and support your head with the unrolled portion of the blanket to create a cushion underneath your head

  4. The head and neck should be aligned in a neutral position that feels comfortable so you can rest deeply

Knee support

—> This is a great modification to try if your lower back feels tight or it feels like you’re hyperextending through your knees

Benefits: Supports your lower back and legs

  1. Fold your blanket into a rectangle

  2. From the folded edge, roll your blanket all the way to the edge so you have a fully rolled blanket log

  3. Lie onto your back and place the blanket roll underneath your knee creases

  4. Allow your feet to widen out to the corners of your mat and breathe

* This can also be done with a bolster underneath your knees

Weighted blanket

—> This is a great modification to try if you can’t relax and tend to fidget around

Benefits: Decrease feelings of restlessness, stress, anxiety and tension

  1. Fold your blanket into a rectangle

  2. Lie onto your back and place the rectangle over your pelvis

  3. For even more support, you can stack 1-3 blankets on top of one another to increase weight

  4. Surrender your weight down and breathe into feelings of relaxation

Stay Warm

—> Use your blanket to stay warm for your final rest

Try one, a combination, or all of these for a deeply restorative savasana.

Alternatives to Savasana

If traditional savasana lying on your back doesn’t work for you, here are some great alternatives:

  1. Lie on the left or right side of your body with a blanket or bolster between your knees

  2. Lie on your belly with your head resting on stacked palms or forearms

  3. Legs up the wall

  4. Seated meditation

Why Savasana Can Be Challenging

If you’re constantly stimulated throughout the day, you may find it difficult to relax. When our bodies and mind are hardwired towards hyper-stimulation, our natural holding pattern is stuck in a state of constant activity. Our central nervous system governs our fight, flight and freeze response; if we’re perpetually stuck in this loop, stress adversely affects our wellbeing, immunity and more. Savasana like any pose is a practice. Use savasana as a way to connect deeper into your awareness and let go of tension, strain and stress. Resting is a productive form of self-care.

10 Minute Guided Savasana on YouTube

In your next practice, try supporting your body with these tips and let me know how it goes!

For more tips, follow me on Instagram. To practice with me click here.


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