Manifestation 101
What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is based on the law of attraction; the belief that you can turn your thoughts into reality with the support of positive thinking, feeling and actions. Manifestation works in all arenas of life including love, abundance and healing.
Our beliefs form thoughts, our thoughts shape our perception, and our perception shapes our reality. Start with your beliefs and get clear on what you desire. With manifestation, you control your thoughts which transforms your perception and reality.
Manifestation is a collaboration between you and the Universe.
How to Manifest:
Be clear and intentional with your desires
What are you hoping to manifest? Write them down and include specific qualities and characteristics — Do you wish to work remote? Have a certain salary? Have a flexible schedule? Feel less stressed?
Cultivate an elevated feeling associated with your desires
Visualize the desired outcome
Work on your belief systems to change the way you think — embody the person you wish to become
Let go of limiting beliefs, change your mindset, and rewire your habits — If you’re trying to invite in love but constantly telling yourself you’re unworthy, this will offset the frequency of manifestation
Focus on what you do want instead of what you don’t want — take it a step further by imagining that you already have what you seek
Remind yourself that you are worthy and deserving
Ask the universe with your thoughts, words, and actions — daily journaling is a great tool
Raise your vibration and frequency with positive thinking and feeling statements
Energy is everything, everything is energy — you attract what you seek
Morning gratitude journaling can help shift your mindset, energy and focus
Take steps towards accomplishing your goals
You are co-creating with the Universe
Create a plan to help assist the manifestation process
Don’t be discouraged
Believe and trust in the Universe
Manifestation takes time — often what you receive may not be exactly what you envision, it’s still working
Be grateful for all you receive and all you already have, acknowledge even the small things
Search for messages in the Universe and trust the process, everything is working according to plan
1111 and 4444 are angel numbers
Positive Affirmations for Manifesting
All is well in my world
I love and approve of myself
I flow through life with ease
Today is a beautiful day, I am grateful to be alive
I have enough, I do enough, I am enough
I am worthy
Abundance is freely and effortlessly flowing to me
I honor my body
I trust my intuition and the guidance of the Universe
I see clearly with inner and outer vision
I attract individuals who align with my highest frequency
*These are affirmations I’ve picked up along my journey, none of these can be accredited to me — I often find that an affirmation finds me when I need it the most. I hope this list helps you begin yours.
The power of thought can be life changing. However, there are limits to changing our reality with our thoughts. If you’re an individual who struggles with depression, anxiety, OCD or other mental health diagnoses, the idea of manifestation can be difficult. Negative beliefs can be deeply rooted and ingrained based on past trauma. Inspirational thinking is not an overnight salve and cannot solve all problems. Addressing limiting beliefs is a great place to start and is a longterm journey.
Ready to Manifest?
When you align your mental, emotional and physical body towards a specific goal, you’re able to attract what you seek and manifest it into a tangible reality. The principle of abundance and manifestation state that both have no bounds. Both abundance and manifestation are limitless. Remember that manifestation is co-creating with the Universe, not just daydreaming. Without actionable pursuits behind your dreams, they’ll only remain in dreamland. For further reading, read The Secret.
To raise your vibration, practice with me in-studio, on YouTube or schedule a private.