
Stay tuned for classes, tutorials, pose breakdowns and more. I'm here to meet you where you are on your mat and create a safe space for all levels and all bodies. If you're brand new to yoga, this is a great place to start. Release stress and tension and create a daily practice with me.

Connect within, cultivate self-love, let go and breathe deeply. Make some time for you today, I'm here to support you.

Love, Scarlett

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Vinyasa-Less Yoga Break

This 10 minute mindful break is designed to connect you with your breath get you moving to release any accumulated tension. We'll create strengthen and length into our spine, side body and hamstrings. It'll gentle while still challenging your stabilizing muscles and good for anytime of the day.


Movement Break

Welcome to your full body movement break. This is a beginner friendly practice that is creative and vinyasa-less to help move you out of your head and into your body. We'll open up through the spine, shoulders, heart and hips.


Breathe & Lengthen to Release Tension

This is an intentionally designed practice to release tension in your spine, heart and shoulders. We'll create space in the body with movement, then have space to breathe and drop in. This is a great practice to begin your day to release the stiffness of sleep, throughout your day when you need to reset or in the evening work to transition away from work. This class also incorporates twists to increase circulation and release stress throughout the spine.


Seated Twists to Feel Good

This is a simple seated and supine stretch focused yoga class. We’ll begin practice with alternate nostril breathing to balance your breath and the hemispheres of your body. We’ll then relax onto our backs for some hamstring, inner and outer hip opening. This is a soothing and relaxing class.


Yoga for Manifestation

This is a slow, strong and steady practice to help you create space and clarity for what you wish to invite into your life and manifest. I'll share a list of affirmations to help you set your intentions, then we'll move through a sequence to help open your hips, where tension can get stuck, and then we'll create spaciousness across your heart and shoulders. We'll end practice with a nourishing meditation in savasana to picture your perfect day and crystalize the feelings you wish to bring with you.


Seated Twists to Feel Good

This is a beginner friendly feel-good practice for when you need a class to breathe, create space and release stress and tension. We'll be seated throughout the practice flowing through a series of postures. This practice is great for anytime of the day.


Seated & Supine Stretch

This is a simple seated and supine stretch focused yoga class. We’ll begin practice with alternate nostril breathing to balance your breath and the hemispheres of your body. We’ll then relax onto our backs for some hamstring, inner and outer hip opening. This is a soothing and relaxing class.


Short & Slinky Flow

This is a short and spicy flow to wring it out in just 15 minutes. We’ll tune into our breath, wave out our spine and then strengthen through some side plank variations. This is a sweet and spicy creative bite sized practice — It’s slightly intermediate, something I like to play with just to move and breathe, give it a try!


Shoulder Opening

Open your shoulders and make space for your breath in less than 10 minutes! Give yourself this gift of opening. Recommended prop is a strap but it is optional. You can do this class without a strap or sub a rolled up towel or sweatshirt for the strap. Get ready to make space, breathe and feel expansive. This is the perfect bite sized class to practice to begin your day, throughout your day and for your evening wind down.


Full Body Balancing Flow

This is a spacious flow that incorporates balancing with quad, inner hip and hamstring opening. This full body flow is designed to build strength, release tension and get you out of your head and into your body. Stay present in your body and bring your awareness away from any thing, any place and any person. Take this time for yourself and return home.


Slow Flow for New Beginnings

This is a slow and steady sequence that is circular and creative to remind you of the beauty of new beginnings and letting go. We’ll open up our hips, strengthen our core and create spaciousness from the inside out. Vinyasa-less for a more grounding way to move your body, mind and spirit. Join me and emerge strong, calm and clear.


Yoga for Burnout

Move things through and air our your heart. This is a beginner friendly slow flow and yin practice that includes a heart opening visualization practice that helps with feelings of burnout. We jump right into practice with a simple flow to improve circulation in the body. Then, we’ll rest into longer holding yin postures where you can focus on your breath.


After Work Yoga

This is a beginner friendly vinyasa-less yoga class designed for a full body release and relaxation after your work day. This class is designed to help you transition from your busy day or create a moment of calm for you to reset. We’ll work through some shoulder and hip opening to create space from the inside out and deepen your capacity to receive breath. Let’s unwind together.


Hips & Heart Yin

This is a short and sweet yin practice that focuses on the hips and the heart. This is a great practice to do at any time of the day when you need a moment to yourself to de-stress and reset. Take a few deeper breaths and let go, everything will be ok.


Breathe Deeper

Feeling stressed? Breathe deeper with diaphragmatic breathing. Throughout our day, if we're feeling stressed, we may breathe shallowly primarily through our chest. This tutorial explains diaphragmatic breathing and the impact it has on your body to de-stress. Take 10 minutes to rest your day.


Morning Pranayama

Jumpstart your day with this breathwork practice that consists of three simple but potent pranayama practices to activate, calm and ground: 1. Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati) 2. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana) 3. Ocean Breath (Ujjayi)


Gentle Yoga at the Wall

This is a beginner friendly yoga class taught with the support of the wall. Align yourself with some wall space and a grab a blanket for today's practice. This class is designed to ground and nourish you by reminding you of the feeling of support that surrounds you. We'll work through some shoulder and quad opening to create space from the inside out and deepen your capacity to receive breath.


Vinyasa-less Warrior Flow

This is a beginner friendly bite-sized practice to get you moving and get you connected with the foundation of your feet. Stay focused and emerge strong, calm and clear. This is a great practice when you don't have a lot of time and want to step onto your mat and get moving. Shift your mindset in just 18 minutes!


Mindful Flow

This is a 20 minute practice of fluid movement to open your heart and your hips. This is a great practice when you don't have a lot of time but still want to move your body, connect to your breath and re-affirm your mind, body, heart connection. This practice is perfect to start your day, for a midday mindful moment or after work. Shift your mindset in just 20 minutes!


Out of Head, Into Body Flow

This is a short and sweet practice to guide you out of your head and into your body. This sequence is designed to stimulate your mind with a creative sequence that strengthens and tones your body. This practice is perfect to start your day, for a midday mindful moment or after work. Shift your mindset in just 15 minutes!


Flow & Yin

This is a beginner friendly flow and yin practice that focuses on heart opening. We jump right into practice with a simple flow to improve circulation in the body. Then, we'll rest into longer holding yin postures where you can focus on your breath. Recommended props include a bolster or pillow and a blanket. Props are optional and I will cue the postures without them as well.


Heart Opening Gratitude Flow

Shift your mindset in this full spectrum flow. We'll transition through a mindful practice and drop into presence. Lengthen your side body, open your heart and release your hips. Feel stable in your foundation and open and connected within your environment. Class is designed for all levels. Step on your mat and join me.


Rinse it Out Flow

In this practice, we will incorporate deep breaths and fluid movements to rinse and release. This class will guide you in a spinal release to feel reinvigorated for your day. We'll move intentionally for a full spectrum practice for a full body release. Class is designed for all levels.


Seated & Supine Core Flow

This is a gentle vinyasa-less yoga class that is designed to nourish you from the inside out. By staying low to the ground, we will cultivate a grounding presence through mind, body and breath. There will be intelligent core work, long juicy holds, and pranayama to conclude our practice.


Chaturanga for Beginners

Build strength and learn correct alignment for a foundational yoga pose: chaturanga dandasana. In this 4 minute class, we will use a block or hardcover book to build strength and technique.


Guided Savasana

My gift to you: a 10 minute guided savasana to leave you calm, clear and refreshed. When you're ready, lie down in a comfortable and quiet space and prepare to nourish your mind and your body. Savasana helps to reduce stress and fatigue in your body. Take a moment during the day to reset in savasana or play this video after my evening or morning yoga flow practices.


Evening Yoga

Release stress with this supine evening yoga practice that will open your hamstrings and hips. If you've been sitting all day at work, need to reset from a long flight or road trip, or are a living human being, this class is for you. This class is a beginner friendly all levels class that will help you transition into evening relaxation.


How to Step Forward into Lunge

Practice one of the foundational movements of a vinyasa class: stepping forward from downward facing dog to lunge. Learn and practice this transition in 10 minutes to build muscular engagement, alignment and knowledge for your next flow class.


Morning Yoga Flow

Start your morning with intention and mindfulness in this all-levels morning flow that will open your hamstrings and heart. Practice with me, shift your mindset and change the course of your day in less than 15 minutes. Let’s cultivate an open and peaceful mind and body.


Box Breathing

Decrease stress with this breathing technique. I’ll explain how to do it and the benefits, then I’ll guide you through a 4 minute practice.

Read my article on Box Breathing here.


Yoga for Beginners

Stretch and relax in this 30 minute beginners yoga class. Learn the basics of yoga including seated posture, hand placement, downward dog and more. Class ends with a deliberate stretch and savasana for deep relaxation. This class is suitable for all levels and is perfect for anytime of the day.



As a yoga teacher, I’m on a mission to share yoga in an accessible manner to students. Looking for something specific? Send me a message!