How to Release Stress with Box Breathing

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Box breathing is a simple, yet effective breathing technique to help decrease stress. Below, I’ll talk you through it.

How to Box Breath

  1. Breathe in for 4 counts

  2. Hold your breath in for 4 counts

  3. Breathe out for 4 counts

  4. Hold your breath out for 4 counts

Things to remember:

  1. Box breathing can be practiced seated comfortably or throughout the day when you encounter stressful situations such as in the car in traffic or even in conversation with another human being

  2. This breathing technique can be practiced with eyes open or closed

  3. Find a sustainable count of breath where you feel comfortable with the retention

  4. Keep your face and shoulders relaxed

*You can choose a different count of breath such as 3, 5, 6 etc.

Why You Should Try Box Breathing

Research shows that box breathing or deep breathing helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system which governs your rest and digest response. This helps to decrease stress, blood pressure and anxiety.

*Navy SEALs use this breath to help them focus, decrease stress and stay clearheaded.

Take a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day, before a big presentation or whenever you need a reset to practice this breathing technique.

Check out my Instagram Reel for video format.

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