Therapy Corner | White Paint

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Welcome to the first edition of Therapy Corner. Therapy Corner is my exploration on topics I’ve discussed in my therapy sessions. It a place to process what I’m working through and hopefully share some insights that might be beneficial to you.

Tabula Rasa

Where do our thoughts and beliefs come from? If you ascribe to John Locke’s form of reasoning, you might believe that we are born as blank slates, tabula rasa, and our sensory experiences impact who we are and who we become. Another school of thought believes babies are not born as a blank slates, but rather are inborn with personality and temperament. Regardless, since the moment we are born, we experience life.

When growing up, it’s easy to believe the law of adults, teachers, and parents. It’s not until post pre-developmental years that we start challenging beliefs and thoughts.

White Paint Challenge

Now, imagine you are a canvas and your past experiences are paint. Try and discover yourself, the picture beneath the layers of white paint. Carefully wash off the paint painted over you. When you encounter a belief, prejudice, habit or rigid tendency, ask yourself “Is this my belief or someone else’s?”

Who are you beneath the layers of white paint?

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or psychologist. These statements are not intended to diagnose or treat. Please seek professional help if you are struggling. Call 911 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. If you are local to Georgia, call the Georgia Crisis & Access Line (GCAL) 1-800-715-4225.

You can also send me a message here.


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