Who is Your Twin Flame?

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Let’s take a deeper dive into the concept of love. What is love? What does it feel like? How do we know when love has run its course? A few months ago I read a GOOP article written by Jakki Smith-Leonardini, clairvoyant and energy healer, on finding your twin flame and it’s stayed in my mind since.

Love in this article references love within yourself, with family, friends and partners.

Happily Ever After?

Where do our beliefs of love stem from? Perhaps it’s from the media or watching the interactions in your life. Growing up, I believed in “true love” and happily ever after, born from Disney and storybooks. As I’ve developed, this worldview has shifted from innocent naivety to encompass different viewpoints from articles and books. Love for me is an eternal question.

What is Your Twin Flame?

Leonardini reveals that you have many soul mates, but only one twin flame. Soul mates come into our lives and as our souls evolve, so do our mates. You can find a soul mate in a friendship or relationship and despite the intensity of these relationships, these may not last forever. This concept made me question my deeper ingrained beliefs regarding the concept of love.

“Contrary to popular belief, soul mates are not a forever deal…Twin flames are different. Some souls incarnate as two separate beings…When these souls—these twin flames—reunite, something bigger happens.”

How to Find Your Twin Flame?

Not everyone has a twin flame and you don’t necessarily need to find your twin flame in order to be truly happy. Leonardini recommends turning inward and becoming a vibrational match for your twin flame by tapping into your own sense of self worth, purpose and unconditional love.

“If finding a soul mate is like finding ‘the one,’ then discovering your twin flame is the discovery of ‘oneness.’”

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Closing Thoughts

Love is grand, all encompassing, yet so elusive. Family, relationships, and self, all are home to different types of love. Sometimes love is fleeting, and that’s ok too.

I’ll leave you with this quote from Anne Morrow Lindbergh from her book Gift from the Sea, chapter Double Sunrise:

“For there is no ‘one-and-only’, there are just ‘one-and-only-moments.’”

If you’re interested in more, please check out my recently published article What’s Your Love Language.


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What’s Your Love Language?