This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

8 Simple but Impactful Practices for a Mindful Morning.

A meaningful morning can change the course of your day. Try adding these simple morning routines into the beginning of your day so you can begin refreshed, energized and vibrant.

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Let the Sun In

Begin the day by letting the sun in. Sunlight, even on a cloudy day, signals to our bodies to shed the lingering layer of sleep. Waking near the sunrise helps to establish a healthy circadian rhythm and regulates the production of melatonin throughout the day.


Limit Screen Time Upon Waking

No instagram, email or texts upon waking. Prioritize yourself — everybody else can wait at least 1 hour. Or wake up an extra hour earlier to give yourself time to peacefully acclimate to your day.

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Drink at Least 16oz of Water

Hydrate your body upon waking. Consider adding half a squeeze of lemon and some local honey.

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Try a self-motivated journaling challenge — 5 minutes for 30 days. Journaling my priorities keeps me accountable for my intensions and goals for the day ahead. This also gives me the space to process any emotions or blockages accumulated from the night.

Breath Work and Mantra

Kapalabhati breath or breath of fire jumpstarts the mind and body. It helps to activate your third chakra which is the seat of willpower and confidence.


Morning Meditation

All you need is 5-10 minutes of meditation to slow down your breath, calm your mind, and set your intentions for the day.

Move Your Body

Try adding a few yoga stretches or sun salutations to release tightness from sleeping and get your body warmed up and ready for your day.


Eat a Nourishing Breakfast

Nourish and fuel your body. My current breakfast is grapefruit juice and an oat milk matcha latte. After a few hours, I’ll have some more food, but having a light meal keeps me from being overly hungry later on and over indulging.

Start small and try adding just one thing to your morning routine. When you commit to yourself and start with a small achievable goal, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to build strength and stamina to stay consistent and dedicated.


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