Affirmations to Transform Your Mindset
These affirmations are designed to help rewire and reframe your thoughts. This isn’t a simple fix and is a continual practice that takes dedication and commitment to yourself. Think of it as a form of self-love. We spend the most time with ourselves during the day, we want to make sure it’s a safe place to be. We may never speak to a loved one in this manner, but we often have no trouble speaking to ourselves is this manner.
Our Brain
Self-rejection creates negative thinking. Self-rejection is formed by creating an impossible ideal that shapes our reality. This self-rejection perpetuates self-abuse in the form of negative thinking which decreases self-worth. Furthermore, studies have found that negative thinking diminishes your brain’s overall capacity to function, think and form memories.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reframe, restructure and change in response to experiences and new connections.
By using affirmations, we’re seeking to rewire our thinking patterns towards a higher frequency of love, gratitude and acceptance.
Negative thinking sounds like:
I am unworthy
I’ll never be enough
Why does this always happen to me
…does this sound familiar? Keep reading.
How to Use an Affirmation
Rewiring negative beliefs takes time and practice. When you notice a moment of negative thinking, this is a moment of mindfulness. Rewire this moment by replacing the negative thought with an affirmation that negates it. By rewiring and rewriting the patterns of our past, we’re able to take back our own inner power and give love to our self-worth. Choose an affirmation that resonates with you. I’ve provided a list to create a base from below, but ultimately this is your experience. Sit quietly with your heart and listen for your affirmation.
I am open to receive
I am love, I am loved
I am ready to start over
I embrace what’s up ahead with open arms and an open heart
I surrender to the unknown
I embrace change
I embrace who I am
I am willing to let go
I am ready to heal my heart
I breathe ease into my heart
I have respect for my boundaries
I am on a profound journey of healing and discovery
I find liberation in letting go
I am worthy of new beginnings
I am worthy of love and acceptance
I feel seen, heard and accepted
I am supported in my relationships and environments
I release unhealthy relationships
I align with my highest calling
I trust myself
I trust the support of the universe
I trust my intuition and I trust myself
All is well in my world
I love and approve of myself
I flow through life with ease
Today is a beautiful day, I am grateful to be alive
I have enough, I do enough, I am enough
I am worthy
I am worthy of my own love
I am worthy of ______
Abundance is freely and effortlessly flowing to me
I honor my body
I am nourished and accepted
I am safe and secure
I see clearly with inner and outer vision
My vision is clear
I trust my intuition and the guidance of the Universe
I see clearly with inner and outer vision
I elevate my inner frequency
I attract individuals who align with my highest frequency